Administrators can attach documents (such as images and PDFs) to Member Citation records and agency vehicles (and vehicle maintenance records).
Members can enter their CME classes and administrators can approve attendance for recertifications. Contact to enable for your agency.
Open clocks are always shown on member details page, regardlesss of date.
Checklist can allow for copying data from the previously completed checklist.
The riding approval app on the homepage can sometimes take a while to load, thus delaying the loading of the homepage. A performance improment has been made by loading the app in the background.
Images for member's certifications can now be uploaded before the new certification is saved in the member's profile.
You can restrict checklist availablity to members of a specified security group.
Fixed error when member was only riding a single hour.
The member attainment feature (LOSAP tracking) has had a major revision. Contact for more info.
This feature of EMSchedPlus keeps your Apple Calendar in SYNC with EMSchedPlus. As you sign up for hours on EMSchedPlus, they are automatically forwarded to your Apple Calendar. Also, if someone else signs you up for hours, those hours are forwarded as well. If your hours are completely removed from EMSchedPlus, the corresponding Apple Calendar entry is also removed. You may also synchronize Agency Events such as meetings, CMEs, CPR classes and drills with your calendar.
Go to "Calendar->Sync with Apple" to start.
Individual calendars can be setup to hide the coverage request reason.
Pages have been updated to be mobile friendly. The ability to subscribe to individual event types has been removed.
The external Agnecy Event Listing page has been rewritten for mobile devices.
Minor fixes.
Several security enhancements have been implemented, including member notification of logon page lockout, member notification of password changes, additional reCaptcha usage and additional activity logging.
EMSched agency administrators can schedule a periodic bulk download of Member Jackets (PDFs)
External event signup pages are now mobile friendly and use reCaptcha technology to prevent spam,
Membership Dues page now has a payment method field. Membership Citations page now has a comment field. Both fields are also displayed in Member Jackets (PDFs) files.
Users of the Homepage Approval app can specify how many weeks into the future to to dispay. "Draft saved by" issue on checklists fixed. Member photo thumb size has been standarized.
Membership applications have been rewritten to be mobile friendly and customizable for each agency.
Additional security has been added to prevent spam submissions. Contact EMSchedPlus support for
information on customization options.
Agency administrators can, in realtime, see their text message usage.
Agency administrators can now turn off SMS text message notifications. Since each text message incurs a charge to the agency, it may choose to do without text message notifications.
Stored member images and certification images are now secured with a cryptographic kep to prevent unauthorized viewing.
Various small useability enhancements have been made.
Members can now setup reminders, either via text messages or email, for upcoming events or future riding hours.
This can be configured from the "Notifications" tab under a member's personnel record.
Prior to this release, if a member was logged onto a mobile device and then logged on via the web, they would be automatically logged off the mobile device. This release removes that restriction and allows members to be logged onto multiple devices at once.
The "inventory" pages have been renamed to Equipment and given a fresh look, including a mobile friendly view.
A new field has been added to the record which allows administrators to track who equipment was returned to.
Previously, if a member signed up to ride and the hours needed to be approved, they weren't notified if the hours were not approved. This release notifies members if their hours have been disapproved.
When a member's status is changed by an administrator, the new status is checked to see if that member is still allowed to ride.
If they are not allowed to ride and have future riding hours, the administrator is given the option to delete those future hours.
Many emails have a fresh look and contain more information for the member.
If images for current cerifications have been uploaded to EMSchedPlus, those images will be included on that member's portfolio PDF file.
Experimental Administrators can now specify the number of members with a given certification or status that are needed for a complete crew. For example, a complete crew might need 2 EMTs and 1 Driver. Needs for each shift are displayed on the calendars.
Instead of a fixed password, a time dependent secure link is sent to new users and users who want to reset their password.
Administrators can specify an "uplift" for time clocked on a specified day. For example, time and one-half for the Fourth of July.
First out vehicles and usage order can be specified with a specified rotation perdiod.
Administrators can specify if an "Out of Service" reasons must or can be given.
The "NEWS" editor has been updated for mobile usage.
Agencies may request that users have the ability to do limited configuration of their homepage.
Agencies may request that a "Monitor" may be configured for the monitoring of key EMSchedPlus information on a continuous display, such as current crews, news, upcoming events, and needed staffing.